School Bus Tracking System

The Industry's leading school bus tracking system for safety and accountability.

What is School Bus Tracking System?

The school bus GPS tracking system allows the school and parents to gain visibility, safety and control into the GPS location of the school buses along with arrival and departure times at every stop along the route, including how long the bus spent at any stop, pick up and drop off of students and alerting if buses are running late.

Benefits of School Bus Tracking System

Live Bus Tracking

Student safety is great amplify with real-time tracking.

Allow Access to Parents

Parents can access the live location of their child school vehicle on their smartphone.

Enhance Security

Parents can have peace of mind by monitoring the travel status of their child.

School Bus Routing

Optimize your routes and track real-time route performance matched with granular student ridership data

Driver Behaviour

Score drivers on the basis of overspeding, SLA violation & verious others metrics.


Set up a virtual boundary around a particular location using mapping technology.

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